霍比特人主题曲 霍比特人主题曲歌词

发布日期:2024-05-14 00:05:45     手机:https://m.xinb2b.cn/wenda/news120520.html    违规举报
核心提示:1、《霍比特人》的主题曲为《孤山之歌》。2、孤山之歌歌词:Far over, the Misty Mountains rise,Leave us standing upon the height,What was before, we se

霍比特人主题曲 霍比特人主题曲歌词


2、孤山之歌歌词:Far over, the Misty Mountains rise,Leave us standing upon the height,What was before, we see once more.It\'s our kingdom, a distant light,Fiery mountain beneath a moon,The words unspoken: we\'ll be there soon,For home, a song that echoes on。And all who find us will know the tune。


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