姑姑用英语怎么说 姑姑的英语是什么

发布日期:2024-06-29 13:00:22     手机:https://m.xinb2b.cn/wenda/news555943.html    违规举报
核心提示:1、姑姑的英语:aunt,英 [ɑːnt] 美 [ænt]。2、这是我姑姑,她是从加拿大过来的。This is my aunt whos over from Canada。3、我猛然发现她长得跟我姑姑很像。I was struck by h

姑姑用英语怎么说 姑姑的英语是什么

1、姑姑的英语:aunt,英 [ɑːnt] 美 [ænt]。

2、这是我姑姑,她是从加拿大过来的。This is my aunt whos over from Canada。

3、我猛然发现她长得跟我姑姑很像。I was struck by her resemblance to my aunt。

4、他的生母不能照顾他,所以他是姑姑抚养大的。His natural mother was unable to care for him so he was raised by an aunt。


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