生日用英语怎么说 有关生日的英语句子

发布日期:2024-06-03 08:34:34     手机:https://m.xinb2b.cn/wenda/news703202.html    违规举报
核心提示:1、birthday生日,诞辰。例如:I received a set of gardening tools on my birthday. 生日那天,我收到一套园艺工具。2、He gave her an expensive fur for

生日用英语怎么说 有关生日的英语句子

1、birthday生日,诞辰。例如:I received a set of gardening tools on my birthday. 生日那天,我收到一套园艺工具。

2、He gave her an expensive fur for her birthday.他送给她件昂贵的毛皮衣服作为生日礼物。

3、Toms birthday is this week.汤姆的生日就在这个星期。

4、Next Monday will be my 21st birthday.下星期一是我二十一岁的生日

5、I was eighteen on my last birthday.我已经过了18周岁了。


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