经典英语演讲 可错过的1段经典英语演讲

发布日期:2024-06-05 18:09:58     手机:https://m.xinb2b.cn/wenda/news174227.html    违规举报
核心提示:1、How are we constructing the edifice of recovery—the temple which, when completed, will no longer be a temple of money-

经典英语演讲 可错过的1段经典英语演讲

1、How are we constructing the edifice of recovery—the temple which, when completed, will no longer be a temple of money-changers or of beggars, but rather a temple dedicated to and maintained for a greater social justice, a greater welfare for America—the habitation of a sound economic life? We are building, stone by stone, the columns which will support that habitation. Those columns are many in number and though, for a moment the progress of one column may disturb the progress on the pillar next to it, the work on all of them must proceed without let or hindrance.



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